Sw Dvd5 Office 2010 64bit English Mlf X16-51913.iso
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- Faulty Office 2010 install. It looks as though my previous response went off into the ether. 2 points - I am running Windows 7 Professional (64 bit) - when I received the Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 or above message I looked on my own computer which said Windows Server 2012 but I did not follow it up, believing that it was a part of the system. Tried the suggested remedy - it was.
- The idea is to make a network installation or in other words to extract everything on network share in on folder, but the installation should be consist in this order: Office 2010 must be in ENGLISH user interface Office 2010 must have also available to switch to other language (SLOVENIAN) user interface Office 2010 must have autocorrect.
The download of Office 2010 Professional Plus through VLSC was successful but I am unable to access it. It took a while to discover how to use an ISO (error on my part I suspect in selecting that) but had automatically burned it to a disc. In exploring the files I used an ISO buster. Then discovered I should use the disc. Clicking on set-up via both systems brought up a message that it could not start as Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 or above was required and should be downloaded and installed. Try as I might, even with Live Help which didn't I could not trace such a download. I am using a Dell computer, build 2013 with Windows 7 Professional, both new to me so it's 2 steps forward and three back, and appear to have Windows Server 2012 loaded. No previous Office product has been installed on this computer although Windows Easy Transfer was successfully used from older computer running XP.
Can someone please advise how to proceed? Or 'h-e-l-p'! I'm stuck without access to Word and Publisher and just don't know where to look for an answer.