No Valid License For J-flash Found

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Today I started experimenting with JxBrowser. Starting the sample with the public static main worked as expected (and it could find the license.jar).

I added a button to a view to start the sample:

I installed the latest JFlash (6.12d) from Segger's site, and it updated the JLink firmware. 'Sorry, no valid license for J-Flash found' 'J-Link S/N is 683404738'.

Now I'm receiving:

Which is actually odd because it's added the classpath. I tried adding a new Plugin-Project (which is loaded fine) and add the license.jar to its classpath: not working.I tried to add it to the,

Question: is there a way to add the license.jar to my rcp project and/or what am I missing?

P.S.: if informations are missing to help me solve this I'll gladly add more code, etc


3 Answers

I received the same error, and I have a solution.

Just create a new mail ID and send a request to get a license of JX Browser using that new account, and get it and Download.

Then add that license.jar file in your project. It worked.


You probably need the license.jar in the main plugin class path - the 'Bundle-Classpath'.

Open the MANIFEST.MF editor, switch to the Runtime tab and add the license.jar to the Classpath section (you should also still have the . entry). The Bundle-Classpath should end up looking like:


I can't give you a perfect answer but I can give you a hint.

First you can extract the licence.jar file to change the extension from .jar to .zip.

Then you can see the following file:

You have to change the values of SigB and SigA.

I tried it, after changing date, but it does not work.


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