Mashup 1 4 3 Fix Download Problem
Official repository for Geo Mashup, the plugin that makes WordPress into a. Upgrade Notice == = 1.10.4 = This version fixes a security related bug. ]([milestone 1.8.3 changes](. Home » Download Area » mashup-1-4-3-fix-geneises-december-2014-xbmc-and-kodi. Mashup 1 4 3 Fix Geneises December 2014 Xbmc And Kodi. Full Download Mashup 1 4 3 Fix Geneises December 2014 Xbmc And Kodi Games With Gameplay Walkthrough Full Guide And Tutorial Video HD. Jan 17, 2015 How to install Mashup using the new URL Installer. XBMC NEW 2014/ 2015 - Duration: 6:15. Tutorial Iptv Xbmc Simple TV 54,188 views.
WireCloud builds on cutting-edge end-user development, RIA and semantictechnologies to offer a next-generation end-user centred web application mashupplatform aimed at leveraging the long tail of the Internet of Services.
WireCloud builds on cutting-edge end-user (software) development, RIA andsemantic technologies to offer a next-generation end-user centred webapplication mashup platform aimed at allowing end users without programmingskills to easily create web applications and dashboards/cockpits (e.g. tovisualize their data of interest or to control their domotized home orenvironment). Web application mashups integrate heterogeneous data, applicationlogic, and UI components (widgets) sourced from the Web to create new coherentand value-adding composite applications. They are targeted at leveraging the'long tail' of the Web of Services (a.k.a. the Programmable Web) by exploitingrapid development, DIY, and shareability. They typically serve a specificsituational (i.e. immediate, short-lived, customized) need, frequently with highpotential for reuse. Is this 'situational' character which precludes them to beoffered as 'off-the-shelf' functionality by solution providers, and thereforecreates the need for a tool like WireCloud.
This project is part of FIWARE. For more informationcheck the FIWARE Catalogue entry forContext Processing, Analysis and Visualization.
See theinstallation guidefor more info.
WireCloud is a user-development tool aimed both at users and developers. Users use the platformto build and/or use their interfaces using deployed widgets and developers, whereas developers docreate such components by extending existing ones or creating them from scratch.
In the former, final users can find useful information in the User Guide. In the latter,developers can learn how to develop components in the Programmer Guide
Bugs and feature requests
Have a bug or a feature request? Please first read theissue guidelines and search forexisting and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet,please open a new issue.
Quality Assurance
This project is part of FIWARE and has been rated asfollows:
- Version Tested:
- Documentation:
- Responsiveness:
- FIWARE Testing:
Testing of WireCloud is based on two different frameworks. On the one side, Python code is beingtested using Django's own testing capabilities. On the other side, JavaScript code testing is basedon Karma and Jasmine. Both tests are run on a local copy of theWireCloud repository on GitHub, insidethe src
Python code
Before running the tests, you have to ensure all the python dependencies areinstalled on the environment. To do so, execute the following commands on thesrc
Once installed all the dependencies, you can run the Python tests by using thefollowing command:
WireCloud also comes with some selenium tests that can be executed using thefollowing command:
In this case, you will need to have Chrome and Firefox installed as well aschromedriver and geckodriver.
JavaScript code
Before being able to test JavaScript code, some dependencies have to beinstalled:
Once installed all the npm dependencies, tests can be executed using grunt
WireCloud is licensed under Affero General Public License (GPL) version 3 (orany later, at your option) with classpath-like exception.
Are there any legal issues with AGPL 3.0? Is it safe for me to use?
There is absolutely no problem in using a product licensed under AGPL 3.0. Issues with GPL(or AGPL) licenses are mostly related with the fact that different people assign differentinterpretations on the meaning of the term “derivate work” used in these licenses. Due to this,some people believe that there is a risk in just using software under GPL or AGPL licenses(even without modifying it).
For the avoidance of doubt, the owners of this software licensed under an AGPL-3.0 license
wish to make a clarifying public statement as follows:
Please note that software derived as a result of modifying the source code of thissoftware in order to fix a bug or incorporate enhancements is considered a derivativework of the product. Software that merely uses or aggregates (i.e. links to) an otherwiseunmodified version of existing software is not considered a derivative work, and thereforeit does not need to be released as under the same license, or even released as open source.
This plugin lets you save location information with posts, pages, and other WordPress objects. These can then be presented on interactive maps in many ways.
Key Features
Geo Mashup, like WordPress, has a simple interface for basic features,
templates for control of output, and APIs for endless customization options.
Some popular features are:
- Use different map providers: Google Maps v3, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet
Global maps can present your posts in many ways
They can show just one category, custom taxonomy term, or custom post type, for example
Clicking on a post marker shows a customizable summary of the post or page in an info window
A Geo Search widget enables searching for content by distance from a search location
- Marker clustering for Google maps
- Location can be saved for all post types (including pages) users, and comments
- Synchronize Geodata with the Geo location mobile client and other plugins
- Support for both standard WordPress shortcodes and template tags to add maps to your site.
- Reverse geocoding to fill in address information for locations
- GeoRSS automatically added to feeds
- Attach KML files to posts and pages
- Connect category markers with a colored line
If you need features that are aren’t listed here, check the documentation and the tag reference.
- Belarussian by hrank added in version 1.11.0
- Ukranian by Ivanka of Everycloudtech updated in version 1.8.6
- Dutch by delicatesther updated in version 1.8.5
- German by Thomas Morvay added in version 1.5.4
- Slovak by B. Radenovich of Web Hosting Watch updated in version 1.5.4
- Romanian by Florin Dumitru added in version 1.5
- Irish by Vikas Arora added in version 1.4.11
- Russian by Tony added in version 1.4.10
- Hindi by Outshine Solutions added in version 1.4.9
- Polish by Kamil added in version 1.4.7
- Portugese by Antonio Xeira added in version 1.4.2
- Italian by Federico added in version 1.3.10
- French updated in version 1.3.7
- Spanish by Reven added in version 1.3.3
- Swedish by Joakim Green added in version 1.3.3
Translators welcome.
Mashup Ingredients
Geo Mashup combines WordPress, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap,
GeoNames, and geoPlugin to create a GeoCMS that puts you in control
of all your content, including geographic data.
Thanks to Alex Chepovetsky
and Maxim Lemberg for finding an XSS bug in the
location editor.
Thanks to Paolo Perego of for finding and fixing an XSS bug in the
geo search widget.
GeoMashup supports [standard WordPress plugin installation].